Helpful Hamper Christmas Drive 2023

The Community and Enterprise Ambassadors are running a winter initiative call Helpful Hampers. In Registration Classes, we will be collecting items that will go out to members of the Dyce Community that need a helping hand this winter. Items will be collected until the 14th of December. 

We are looking for Dyce Academy pupils to bring in any of the following items:

  • Non-perishable Food, Dried or Canned 
  • Hygiene Items 
  • Unwanted Gifts 
  • Christmas items

This initiative goes a long way to supporting those in our community and bringing us all together during the festive period. Please donate any items you can.

SQA Exam Results 2023

Congratulations to everyone on your results today. We hope you have been rewarded for your efforts.

If your result is not as expected and you wish to be considered for an Appeal please read the SQA leaflet regarding Appeals sent to you during the holidays.  The information can be accessed directly on the SQA website through the following link: Appeals 2023

Making An Appeal

You can submit an appeal yourself through the SQA’s website at from 9.00am on Tuesday 8 August 2023.

If your appeal is a priority appeal, i.e. a place at university, college or a training course depends on a particular grade, you must submit the appeal via the above SQA website address by Tuesday 15 August. This will be actioned by the school to comply with SQA deadlines.

If your appeal is a non-priority appeal you are advised to speak to your teacher at the start of the new term although the final decision will rest with you. You must submit non-priority appeals online with the SQA by Tuesday 29 August.

You will be unable to request an appeal if the school has already submitted evidence through the Examination Exceptional Circumstances Consideration Service during the exam diet.

Once the SQA have processed the appeal and returned the outcome, their decision is final – you cannot appeal the decision.

What Happens When An Appeal Is Submitted?

Appeals 2023 has a different process to the one used last year as alternative assessment evidence will not be considered.

This year, if you appeal your grade, a senior SQA marker will carry out a ‘marking review’ of your SQA marked assessments but they will not be re-marked.

A marking review simply checks that:
– all parts of your SQA-assessments have been marked
– the marking is in line with national standards
– the marks given for each answer have been totalled correctly and
– the correct result has been entered in their system.

Please note that after being reviewed, your result could stay the same, go up or go down.