Dates for your diary – Term 4

Monday 22 AprilSQA Exams begin
Monday 29 AprilHouse Swimming Gala
Monday 8 MayHoliday
Tuesday 9 MayInservice Day—school closed to pupils expect those with SQA Exams
Wednesday 8 May—Friday 10 MayS1-S3 Activities Days
Monday 27 MayHouse Athletics Event
Monday 3 JuneProvisional start of new timetable and end of Study Leave
Saturday 15 JuneACMS Summer Concert
Friday 5 JulyEnd of Term
Tuesday 20 AugustStart of Term

S4-6 Study Support 2024

Details of S4-6 Study Support sessions offered to help pupils prepare for the SQA exams in April/May are given below. These are also listed in the “What’s Going On” section of the website.

Pupils can also access revision materials from –


Community Planning Aberdeen is consulting on the draft refreshed Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) which sets out a vision for Aberdeen as ‘a place where all people can prosper’ regardless of a person’s background or circumstances, as well as the underpinning three Locality Plans for the North, South and Central areas of Aberdeen. The draft plans set out how we will make this vision a reality across the city.

Over the last 6 months, Community Planning Aberdeen, along with our Locality Empowerment Groups and Priority Neighbourhood Partnerships have gathered and analysed data, as well as feedback from our ‘what matters to you?’ engagement with citizens and thematic stakeholder sessions, to develop the refreshed LOIP and Locality Plans for North, South and Central to ensure the refreshed Plans reflect our priorities for Partnership working based on our understanding of what is important to communities. Our draft refreshed LOIP and Locality Plans for South, North and Central are now open for consultation from 5-25 February 2024. The consultation gives all citizens of Aberdeen the opportunity to comment on the Plans before they are considered by the Community Planning Aberdeen Board on 29 April 2024. 

We’d like to hear your views on our Refreshed Plans

Please tell us your view and whether we’re focusing on the right priorities both City Wide and in your Locality by accessing the consultations at the link below (open until 25 February):

Views of our children and young people

The views of our children and young people are vital to informing the refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2016-26 and ensuring that the priorities are the right ones. To assist with engagement, we have developed a children and young people’s version of the Plan, along with a separate consultation to capture their views. Please use this version and form when engaging with children and young people.