Child Protection Guidelines

Procedures and guidance cannot in themselves protect children; a competent, skilled and confident workforce, together with a vigilant public, can. Child protection is a complex system requiring the interaction of services, the public, children and families. For the system to work effectively, it is essential that everyone understands
the contribution they can make and how those contributions work together to provide the best outcomes for children. Everyone working with children and their families, including social workers, health professionals, police, educational staff, voluntary
organisations and the third sector, as well as members of the community, need to appreciate the important role they can play in remaining vigilant and providing robust support for child protection. Guidance provides the framework for that understanding.
It enables managers and practitioners to apply their skills collectively and effectively and to develop a shared understanding of their common objective – to promote, support and safeguard the wellbeing of all children, including those who are most vulnerable. The attached documents details these Guidelines


Updated: 6 December 2016 — 9:32 am