Pupils have been advised today of which trip they have been allocated for Activities Days next May.
Deposits must be paid by ALL pupils to secure their place on the trip.
The current payment schedule for trips requires a deposit now and four instalments to make up the balance – this information will be on the letter going home this week.
If you wish to apply for a different payment schedule please contact the trip leader when you pay your deposit.
If you wish to apply for a travel grant please see the information and income scales for applying in the following attachments to see if you are eligible and advise the Trip Leader that you are applying when you pay the deposit. If you require a paper copy then let the school know.
ETT50 Travel Grant Form with Privacy Notice
2018 Certificate of Income DWP AET Aberdeen City
If you no longer require your place please inform the trip leader as soon as possible so that your place can be allocated to another pupil.