Expressive Arts News!

S4 pupil Megan won the ‘My Place in Scotland’ photography competition last academic session and we have just received news that her winning photography was exhibited in America with winners from around the world. She received the brochure with her photo in it and a certificate of congratulations.

We had a number of students enter the My Future Aspirations competition. They received over 155 entries from across the region and the judges placed Josh (S1) in the top 15, achieving Certificate of Excellence. Amazing News! He will receive his Certificate next month at an awards evening. Also from that competition Daisy achieved Certificate of Commendation and Ayra, Tiegan, Jodie, Lucy, Lewis and Katie achieved Certificate of Achievement. Brilliant news all round!

A huge thank you to the Art Department for their ongoing hard work in raising the aspirations of our young people and supporting them tirelessly to achieve they best they can.

J Naples-Campbell, FH Expressive Arts

Updated: 17 January 2018 — 11:39 am