Arts Award is a nationally recognised qualification in the arts and enables young people to progress into further education and employment. It is a unique qualification that allows young people to extend their own arts practice in many different ways, across many different levels ranging from Discover for young children, through to Bronze, Silver and Gold aimed at secondary school age students. Through Arts Award, young people collect evidence of the work they have done and reflect on their experiences.
Arts Award has only been brought to Scotland over the last few years, mainly in Glasgow. ACMS are the first school to embrace the qualifications in the North of Scotland, providing students with a very exciting opportunity to excel in their music studies.
Between September 2014 and June 2015, a group of ACMS students worked extremely hard to put together their Silver and Gold portfolios, learning new pieces, composing new music, joining art forms together to push the boundaries, and managing and delivering a range of events including specialist workshops, concerts and ceilidhs, supporting charitable organisations.
The moderation on 24th June 2015 saw Bethan Taylor, Anna Geddes, Andrew Legge, Emma Kirk, Nathan Fenwick and Zoe Hodi achieving their Silver Arts Award, with Andrew Buchan, Aimee Coutts, Milly Holroyd and Sara Salloum achieving their Gold Arts Award. The moderator highly praised the work of the students, with feedback stating that all portfolios were amongst some of the highest standard he had ever seen.
Mrs Sonia Scaife